Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I No Longer Have To Worry About Getting Pulled Over While Driving Around Aberdeen

The whole damn police department is on campus!!

Geez...I go home for the weekend at miss all the excitement. I'm not talking about a bangin party or a good movie showing. I'm not talking about anything that is good in any way. Early Monday morning, the body of the German proffessor was found in his office, a gun shot wound in his neck. Not alot of details are known/released as of now, but I think it's pretty freakin crazy. When I saw that the building was all taped off with law enforcement all around, I thought, "What the hell...was there a fire?" But then I saw Derek and he's like "No, somebody got killed." I had a hard time believing him at first, but low and behold, it was the truth. Scarey fucking shit, man. I know I saw the victim at least once in my weeks on campus, and if I could just go back to then and warn him...