Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Lone Surviror!

So a few weeks ago, Ty was helping me dust, and he picked this small, black, bumpy, and shiveled object up and turns to me and goes "what is this?" I had never, in my 20 years of living in that house, seen it before. We decided it looked almost entirely like a burnt pickle, and so I went and woke my dad up to ask him. It was... is its story...

Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western side of Hayti lies a Grocery store. Right exactly in this spot, many years ago, there used to be a grocery store...*dramatic pause for laughing*...but it burnt down. In the pile of rubbish was a pickle, burnt to a crisp but still clinging to what life it had in it. That pickle is now in our home, sitting amoungst cat figurines and old things on a bookshelf.

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