Thursday, January 27, 2005

Can Your Hear Me Now?

Back home, adequate cell phone reception is a luxury. I am so grateful to be living in a bigger town that actually has towers. The unfortunate part is that all my friends back home are lacking service and so my conversations with them are still teeming with "Huh"? "What"?
Today, I actually made use of this situation. I was talking to Christina (she may have been talking back...I couldn't tell) and for some reason I started going off and saying weird shit like "Are you my conscience"? I heard some mumble of response clouded by excessive static and moments of complete silence. To this, I responded "You must be my conscience 'cuz you're really fuzzy and sometimes you disappear completely." I heard unmistakable bouts of laughter through the phone, and only then did I realize how terribly witty that was. *bows* Thank you. I'll be here all week.

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