Monday, October 31, 2005

Simple Plan in St. Cloud, Minnesota

Oh! What a long day! But very fun...

Stacy, Ty, and I drove 5 and a half freakin hours to St. Cloud Minnesota to see Simple Plan in concert. It wa so fucking cool. Even better than when I saw Seether. Our seats were better, there was more energy, and alot more happening on the stage. This chick threw her bra up on the stage, and it hit the singer in the face (or it nearly did.) Later, one of the band members ended up putting it on their head!

At one point, the drummer climbed up onto the balcony where we were all standing. He was, like, 3 feet away from me!

Besides singing at least a dozen of their own songs, they sang "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness, and snippets from several rap songs. I was rather touched when they sang "So Happy Together". They re-made this song for the Freaky Friday Soundtrack, but for me it holds a specail meaning. The original version of this song was played on the oldies radio station that my grandma listened to when I was a kid. This was the first song I remember learning the words to. I couldn't have been more than 4 years old. The song has always meant something to me, and I love Simple Plan's sound, and so that fact that one of my favorite bands brought back this specail song, well it's just kinda nice.

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