Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Daniel, You Are My Sunshine

In 60-80 years, I will be dead. That is inevitable. Between now and then, I am "supossed to" complete schooling, get a job, become financailly stable, and blah blah blah. What for? No matter how successful you are, or which park bench you sleep on at night, you are still going to die. Maybe tomorow, maybe next century.
When I am feeling really down, I wonder what point there is in going through the motions of daily live, upsetting myself and others in the process and boring myself with the same old routine. "Life isn't fair." "Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to." "No pain, no gain." What's the point of hurting yourself emotoinally or physically for something that won't matter after your passing? What's the point in anything?
This life is just a game. We gain skill points. We collect pieces of paper and small coins which are believed to have some sort of monetary value. These objects are traded for other objects which are supossed to make us happy. We interact with the other players and decide whethere we like them and how we will treat them. We decieve, love, and hate each other, and in the end, it makes no difference. The game ends, whether we win or lose, and it is disputed whether or not there is a "Play Again?" option. But then, would you really want to? Depending my mood, I may or may not. Just like with a game, I get bored of life. When you are deep in a hole of dispare, you're not likely to see the light from the sun, and once you reach a certain depth, you stop looking for it.
But sometimes, the light comes looking for you. Whenever I go home for the weekend, my sunshine finds me. His name is Daniel, and without him, I would have nothing hopeful to think of during those dark, dark times which are occuring more and more often. The prospect of spending the rest of my days with him and raising beautiful children that are born of our love and that will live on after we are both gone, that is something that I WANT to do. I'm going to school so I can get a good job that I will enjoy, and therefore not get fired from, so that I can provide for my family. I am not doing it to win at the game of life, because, frankly, I never was very competetive.

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